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5 Empowering Messages for my Plus Size Sisters

5 Empowering Messages for my Plus Size Sisters
Plus Size Blogger Amber from Style Plus Curves looking into a Mirror from bottledBrooklyn

A little dose of self-empowerment featuring this mirror from bottledBrooklyn

As a plus size woman, people always ask me, “Where do you get your confidence from?!?” Or they say, “I wish I could be as confident as you are.” Whenever I hear this, I get so sad because it seems to be an anomaly for plus size–or even straight size–women to feel confident and sexy and fabulous…not to mention fashionable. Why do so many women — of all sizes —  struggle to feel confident in their bodies and believe that they are powerful and beautiful and can take on the world if they need to?

I recently read Mindy Kaling’s book Why Not Me? (It’s an awesome read. BUY IT HERE) and she said that the first question she always gets asked in interviews is about her confidence — and she’s like a size 6!

Mindy Kaling Quote about Confidence

And don’t even get me started on Oprah’s Weight Watcher’s journey…

Oprah Winfrey quote "Inside every overweight woman is the woman she knows she can become"

Wait, WHAT???? I completely respect her right and her desire to lose weight…but to think that after all of the incredible work she’s done and the huge impact she’s had on the world, that she still views the defining struggle of her life to be her weight… That “every overweight woman” cannot become the woman she wants to be because of her weight? It’s shocking and so so sad.

Does being fat make me any less intelligent? Does it make me less analytical, tactical or insightful or motivated to accomplish my goals and dreams? Am I less funny, less charming, less kind, less passionate? The truth is, my confidence and self-worth exist independent of the number on the scale.

Could I exercise more? Sure. Should I try to eat healthy foods and tons of fruits and veggies instead of the brownie I currently have in my hand? Yes. But there is always something that we could be working on to improve our mind, body and spirit. Why must we be consumed by and obsessed with the need to be thin, thinner, thinnest?

I say no. I reject the notion that I can’t be the woman I want to be because I’m fat. There’s more to being a woman than our bodies and I, for one, hope that women everywhere will stop believing that their lives, their confidence and their accomplishments are limited and diminished by their weight.

Do I try to lose weight after I’ve indulged once too often? Yes. Will I continue to strive to be healthy? Yes. Do I try to go to the gym multiple times every week? Yes. But it is NOT the defining struggle of my life, and it is NOT the end goal. We need to change the narrative. We need to change the messages that bombard us every day. We need to surround ourselves with people and things that motivate and empower us.

So…to get us off on the right foot, I’ve rounded up 5 items that I keep around when I need a little dose of empowerment…

1. Self-Empowerment Mirror from bottledBrooklyn

bottled Brooklyn mirrors with inspirational messages

2. Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls by Jes Baker {BUY YOUR COPY HERE}

Plus Size Blogger Amber from Style Plus Curves holding Jes Baker's book "Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls"

3. Diet Industry Dropout Crop Top from Chubby Cartwheels

Diet Industry Dropout Crop Top Tshirt from Chubby Cartwheels

4. Be Bold Be Brave Be You Tote Bag from Candid and Co on Etsy

Be Bold Be Brave Be You Tote Bag

5. What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you Fly? Wall Art {BUY IT HERE}

What if I fall? Oh, but my darling what if you fly? Wall art

What are your favorite inspirational/motivational/empowering reads, tees, or prints? Share!